News Releases

1 October 2021

Les journaux canadiens, champions de la vérité pour les communautés locales

La Semaine nationale des journaux aura lieu du 3 au 9 octobre 2021. […]
1 October 2021

Canadian Newspapers – Champions of Truth for Local Communities

National Newspaper Week is coming up October 3-9, 2021.  Run this editorial in […]
30 September 2021

Government Welcomes Traction on Demand to Winnipeg, Skills Training Program to Support Job Growth in Winnipeg

Industry Expansion Program with Traction on Demand to support tech industry skills training […]
30 September 2021

Sonderly Offering Free Online Course for Educators in Support of World Teacher’s Day

Available from September 29 to October 9, Sonderly’s “Understanding and Supporting Students with […]
30 September 2021

Sonderly offre un cours en ligne gratuit pour le personnel scolaire à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des enseignants

Du 29 septembre au 9 octobre, le cours de Sonderly « Comprendre et […]
30 September 2021

Clear Inc. Announces First Hotel Partnership with Vogue Hotel Montréal

The integration of world-class air and water firewall technologies into the hotel’s guest […]
30 September 2021

Clear Inc. annonce un premier partenariat hôtelier avec le Vogue Hôtel Montréal

L’intégration de technologies d’air et de pare-feu de classe mondiale dans les chambres […]
30 September 2021

Canada’s Walk of Fame Celebrates Today’s Inspiring Youth and Tomorrow’s Heroes

4th Annual National Community Hero Program is Calling for Nominations Details are available […]
30 September 2021

L’Allée des célébrités canadiennes célèbre les jeunes inspirants d’aujourd’hui et les héros de demain

La 4e édition du programme annuel Community Hero est ouverte aux candidatures Les […]
29 September 2021

Windsor municipal government should have declared National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday: Public Sector Unions

WINDSOR, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Public sector unions are decrying the lack of initiative by […]
23 September 2021

Skills for Success Day shines light on important life skills for Canadians

Download Skills for Success Day PSAs and matte stories here. TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Today […]
23 September 2021

La Journée des compétences pour réussir met en lumière les habilités fondamentales pour la population canadienne

Cliquez ici pour télécharger des ressources gratuites. TORONTO (ON) –/HEBDO-PRESSE/– C’est aujourd’hui qu’a lieu […]
22 September 2021

Moins de Canadiens ont un sentiment d’appartenance au travail comparativement à avant la pandémie

Selon le rapport de l’Indice de santé mentaleMC de Solutions Mieux-être LifeWorks, plus de […]
22 September 2021

Fewer Canadians report a sense of belonging at work when compared to pre-pandemic

LifeWorks Mental Health Index™ indicates that more than half of Canadians do their […]
15 September 2021

Seven tips to introduce children to sustainability from Scouts Canada

Click here to download photos /COMMUNITYWIRE/— Talking to children about complex issues, like […]
15 September 2021

Front-line staff and administrators at St. Joseph’s at Fleming, the only not-for-profit long-term care home in Peterborough, join forces to fight “unfair” Bill 124

PETERBOROUGH, ON —/COMMUNITYWIRE/— St. Joseph’s at Fleming front-line staff and home administrators banded […]
8 September 2021

Le cas de l’Australie prouve que les petits éditeurs bénéficient de la négociation collective avec les Big Tech

Le Canada devrait adopter la même approche TORONTO —/HEBDO-PRESSE/— Médias d’Info Canada, qui […]
8 September 2021

Australia Proves that Small Publishers Benefit from Collective Negotiation with Big Tech

Canada should follow suit TORONTO, ON —/COMMUNITYWIRE/— News Media Canada, representing hundreds of […]
7 September 2021

Now is not the time for red tape: Canada’s federal government must ‘finish the job’ and assist Afghan journalists

TORONTO, ON —/COMMUNITYWIRE/— The Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) and Canadian Journalists for […]
7 September 2021

Education workers point out potential dangers in Hamilton-Wentworth DSB’s school reopening plans

HAMILTON, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Leaders from the union that represents custodial and maintenance staff […]