PORT COLBORNE, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/–Workers from across the Niagara region will swell the picket line of CUPE Local 2276 on Wednesday as part of a solidarity rally. Developmental service workers at Community Living Port Colborne-Wainfleet have been on strike since Friday, March 31, fighting for an end to their employer’s neglectful policy of leaving workers stuck on shift.
Fred Hahn, CUPE Ontario President
Cassie Bisson, CUPE Local 2276 Vice President
Mike Haines, Constituency Assistant to NDP MPP Jeff Burch
Wednesday, April 5, noon
545 Northland Ave
“We know what reasonable shifts look like. We know what exemplary care looks like. And Community Living Port Colborne-Wainfleet isn’t living up to either,” says CUPE Local 2276 Vice President Cassie Bisson. “We’re so moved by the support we’ve received, from community members, from families, and from other workers. And we’re going to keep fighting for a deal that puts workers and the people we care for first.”
Jesse Mintz, CUPE Communications Representative
416 704 9642