3 October 2021

What is National Newspaper Week? And why you should support it.

National Newspaper Week is coming up October 3-9, 2021.  Run this editorial in […]
3 October 2021

Qu’est-ce que la Semaine nationale des journaux, et pourquoi vous devriez y accorder votre soutien

La Semaine nationale des journaux aura lieu du 3 au 9 octobre 2021. […]
2 October 2021

Four Ways Canadian Newspapers Power Important Conversations

National Newspaper Week is coming up October 3-9, 2021.  Run this editorial in […]
2 October 2021

Quatre façons dont les journaux canadiens alimentent des conversations importantes

La Semaine nationale des journaux aura lieu du 3 au 9 octobre 2021. […]
1 October 2021

CUPE 53 invites Whitby residents to free Thanksgiving Day picnic at Heydenshore Park on Sunday

WHITBY, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Whitby’s municipal employees’ union is organizing a Thanksgiving Day picnic […]
1 October 2021

Les journaux canadiens, champions de la vérité pour les communautés locales

La Semaine nationale des journaux aura lieu du 3 au 9 octobre 2021. […]
1 October 2021

Canadian Newspapers – Champions of Truth for Local Communities

National Newspaper Week is coming up October 3-9, 2021.  Run this editorial in […]
30 September 2021

Government Welcomes Traction on Demand to Winnipeg, Skills Training Program to Support Job Growth in Winnipeg

Industry Expansion Program with Traction on Demand to support tech industry skills training […]
30 September 2021

Sonderly Offering Free Online Course for Educators in Support of World Teacher’s Day

Available from September 29 to October 9, Sonderly’s “Understanding and Supporting Students with […]
30 September 2021

Sonderly offre un cours en ligne gratuit pour le personnel scolaire à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des enseignants

Du 29 septembre au 9 octobre, le cours de Sonderly « Comprendre et […]
30 September 2021

Clear Inc. Announces First Hotel Partnership with Vogue Hotel Montréal

The integration of world-class air and water firewall technologies into the hotel’s guest […]
30 September 2021

Clear Inc. annonce un premier partenariat hôtelier avec le Vogue Hôtel Montréal

L’intégration de technologies d’air et de pare-feu de classe mondiale dans les chambres […]
30 September 2021

Canada’s Walk of Fame Celebrates Today’s Inspiring Youth and Tomorrow’s Heroes

4th Annual National Community Hero Program is Calling for Nominations Details are available […]
30 September 2021

L’Allée des célébrités canadiennes célèbre les jeunes inspirants d’aujourd’hui et les héros de demain

La 4e édition du programme annuel Community Hero est ouverte aux candidatures Les […]
29 September 2021

Windsor municipal government should have declared National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday: Public Sector Unions

WINDSOR, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Public sector unions are decrying the lack of initiative by […]