26 September 2023

Aidez à assurer la sécurité incendie en Ontario : Testez vos avertisseurs de fumée

HISTOIRE – DÉCOMPTE DE MOTS : 437 Lorsqu’il y a un incendie, la […]
26 September 2023

Help keep Ontario fire safe: Test Your Smoke Alarm

MATTE STORY – WORD COUNT: 338 When there is a fire, smoke spreads […]
21 September 2023

Skills for Success Day focuses on key skills for work and life

TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Today is Skills for Success Day, an annual initiative created […]
21 September 2023

La Journée des compétences pour réussir met en valeur les compétences fondamentales pour la vie et le travail

TORONTO, ON –/HEBDO-PRESSE/– Aujourd’hui a lieu la Journée des compétences pour réussir, une […]
15 September 2023

La journaliste et enseignante canadienne Joyce Grant reçoit un Prix Mondial de la Jeunesse et des Médias

–/HEBDO-PRESSE/– La journaliste et enseignante canadienne Joyce Grant a reçu un Prix Mondial […]
15 September 2023

Canadian journalist and educator Joyce Grant awarded a Global Youth & News Media Prize

–/COMMUNITYWIRE/– Canadian journalist and educator Joyce Grant has been awarded a Global Youth […]
15 September 2023


OTTAWA, ON –(HEBDO-PRESSE)– Chaque année, plus de 2 100 Nord-Américains sont tués ou […]
15 September 2023

Operation Lifesaver Canada Marks 20th Annual Rail Safety Week

OTTAWA, ON –(COMMUNITYWIRE)– Every year, more than 2,100 North Americans are killed or […]
7 September 2023

Black Healthcare Professionals Network (BHPN) Launches First Black Health Professionals Directory in Ontario

Organization also hosting panel on inspiring change within Canadian healthcare industry TORONTO, ON […]
6 September 2023

Breast Cancer Canada Announces The ‘Raise More Challenge’ to Rally Canadians for Research in Honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Long-standing Breast Cancer Canada partner Expedia Cruises™️ will award the top individual fundraiser […]
5 September 2023

Calling Future Innovators: Toshiba, NSTA Now Accepting Entries for 32nd Annual ExploraVision Competition

Sign Up Now for the World’s Largest K-12 Science Competition ARLINGTON, VA –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– […]
30 August 2023

MEDIA ADVISORY: Fore the Kids in the Six – Golfing for Kids and Helping Kids with Back to School

Event Information Begins: 31 August 2023Location: Toronto, ON TORONTO, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– CUPE Local […]
28 August 2023

Humi Supports Canada’s Next Generation of Tech Talent at Ignition Hacks 2023

Bringing together young tech talent for a day of coding, collaboration, and connection, […]
18 July 2023

MEDIA ADVISORY–AMENDED: CUPE and community members hold solidarity rally in support of striking child protection workers

Event Information Begins: 19 July 2023Location: Brockville, ON NOTE: This media advisory has […]
13 July 2023

Médias d’Info Canada nomme Dave Adsett au poste de président du conseil d’administration

TORONTO, ON –/HEBDO-PRESSE/– Le conseil d’administration de Médias d’Info Canada a élu Dave […]