OAKVILLE, ON –/COMMUNITYWIRE/– The outside workers for the Town of Oakville are inviting residents to join them in Oakville Towne Square late Friday afternoon for an ‘all treats, no tricks’ information rally about their ongoing collective bargaining.
The members of CUPE Local 136 have been without a contract since February 15. To date, the Town of Oakville has refused to make an offer to the workers’ bargaining committee which even keeps up with the current rate of inflation, let alone one which addresses the significant loss in purchasing power the employees have suffered in recent years. Local 136 continues to resist the town negotiators’ demand for various concessions while also insisting on restrictions on 12-hour shifts in winter operations which has very seriously compromised employees’ work-life balance.
CUPE Local 136 outside municipal workers
All Treats, No Tricks info rally about negotiations with Town of Oakville
Friday, October 27
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Oakville Towne Square
94 George St., Oakville, ON
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 136 is comprised of 267 outside municipal workers who are employed by the Town of Oakville – Ontario’s largest town. They are proud to provide high-quality public services to the town’s residents in arenas, cemeteries, community centres, gardens, harbours, parks, as well as performing road repairs and winter road clearing. Oakville has a population of 230,000 residents. It is located in the Greater Toronto Area between Burlington and Mississauga.
Ken Marciniec, CUPE Communications
1-416-803-6066 (cell)